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We've found that the vast majority of Ashtead residents are overwhelmingly supportive of SSAFA, Headley Court, the Armed Forces and our campaign. The 90 or so objectors, and their attitudes, do not represent most Ashtead residents from everything we've seen. Please, in thanks to all those people, bear that in mind when posting!

Thank you to everyone who's helped achieve this wonderful result. We've known from the outset that the concerns raised were misplaced. SSAFA and the families concerned will now have the chance to prove that. We know they'll be more than equal to the task.

Oh, and thanks for all the fish

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Submitted by Comments:
Name: Glenn Miles
From: Bedford
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
Well done, a very worthy cause.
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Kay McMahon
From: Scotland
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
Excellent news! Best wishes to all.
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Craig Colclough
From: London
This is great news. Congratulations to all involved.
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Stuart Masterton
From: Chesterfield
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
Without the fantastic facilities and staff at Headley Court, I would be struggling to just walk in a straight line! To provide accomodation for our forces' families to visit them in time of need is undoubtably a neccessity rather than a perk. I cant believe people that live near there are so selfish that they cant see past their own bank balances to discover the positive impact this would have on having your family around you when you need them most.
This is one in the eye for all those that protested with their pathetic comments and excuses! I despise you all!
Good luck to all those that go through Headley, and I will be seeing some of you again shortly! To the staff, keep up the fantastic work!
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Alan
From: Devon
Well, I'm glad that that's all over.

Good drills evryone, I think that we can consider that particular boil well and truly lanced!!

The good (and not so good)citizens of Ashtead can now look forward to experiencing one of the British Serviceman and his familiy's most shining qualities, that of showing generosity to a defeated enemy. They may rest assured that the hurt will not be forgotten, but they can also be assured that the ultimate occupants of 36 Grays Lane will be forgiving and good neighbours. These families will carry themselves with the quiet dignity that relatives of wounded men/women from our forces have evolved over hundreds of years of practice as their loved ones pay the price for our communal freedom.

Hold your heads up Ashtead, it should be an honour, and not a hinderance to have such people walking amongst you.

Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense. I reckon these old words are most apt in summing up this whole event.

Oi! Sarge, can we ENDEX yet??????????????????
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Dunservin
Hydrajoe and Stilts - It was an honour and a privilege to meet you and serve with you and all the other Blue Team members on the streets of Ashtead on Wednesday. Odd to think that we were all strangers before our individual sense of outrage united us to fight for this worthy cause.

The evening meeting was indeed an emotional roller-coaster (especially with all that dust around) but it was encouraging to discover there are still so many decent people around, including the vast majority of Ashtead residents and their councillors. Farewell and God speed until the next occasion.

As to the residents of Grays Lane and its immediate environs, I hope it won't be too long before you discover that all your worst fears were unfounded and the SSAFA home at No 36 will actually be a source of pride in your community, not some petty inconvenience. I hope you give its tired, distraught residents all the support and consideration they deserve. As they struggle to repair their shattered lives and families, please remember that they have paid a price far higher than any value you can place on your properties, and their presence will set no precedent for any more intrusive development.

To all outward appearances, I doubt you will notice much difference at No 36 but I sincerely hope you take the trouble to find out about more about it and its residents and take care of them while they are so far away from their usual homes, families and friends in such tragic circumstances. This goes much further and deeper than simple jumble sales, coffee mornings or flag days and I'm sure you will feel all the better for it. If you lay claim to any religious convictions at all, be proud that you, for one, did not 'pass on the other side of the road'.
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Paddy
From: MOD(RAF)
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
To Barbara, Paul and all the residents of Ashtead - I is incredible to read all the supportive and heart-felt thoughts and feelings representing what appears to be the majority of residents in Ashtead. You need not fear, the people of Ashtead will not be judged; there is no need to apologise.

Continue to support the boys and girls, Headley Court and the facility itself in any way youn can. More importantly, if you bump into any of the boys and girls and their families stop and have a chat; you'd be amazed what that can do!
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: HydraJoe [SAMA(82)]
From: Pompey (Ex-Matelot)
I too was a Blue Team Member on Wednesday and concur all that Stilts said. The local residents of Ashtead and the other areas surrounding were very supportive.

The need now is to move forward, hold out the hand of friendship to those Residents of Gray's Lane and adjacent roads who objected and encourage them to embrace the Facility as an assett to their community.

Yes Stilts, I confirm that there was much dust in the air in the side rooms.
Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Stilts
From: Colchester
As a member of the blue team, I was leafeting in Ashtead on Wednesday, I would like to thank the residents I spoke to for their support we know and understand that not all othe residents are not against the planning application. I would like to pass on my heart felt thanks to Mr Chris Hunt Chairman of the Planning Commitee and the Planning Committee for their professionalism in regard to the planning application.
During the meeting I was in one of the overflow rooms, there must of been some dust in the air at times as my eyes watered occaisionally.

Added: August 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Les Shaw
From: Ashtead
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
I'm so sorry that there was even resistance to this superb facility. I'm an ex-Army regular and I've lived in Ashtead for 11 years. It is a GREAT village to live in - the people here are a terrific community of people and a great supporter of HMF. So I'm very angry that we have a few snobs in our midst who live in the unreal world. They are not typical of the rest of us.
It’s great to know that Headley Court will have more local facilities for families. I’m now a local (with disabled-access) cabbie and have taken quite a few of our guys to and from the local stations to visit there homes and families. A local facility will ease their problems tremendously – so well done everybody! A warm welcome awaits you in Ashtead.

Admin reply: Les:

If you come back to read this please make sure that those who were the objectors are given a fair shake in the future. In the words of Goldfinger:-

Once is Happenstance,
Twice is Coincidence,
Three times is an Act of War.

So far I only see happenstance. Allow them to prove that it was just that and encourage your neighbours to do the same.

That's the way to make this an even more beneficial result.


Added: August 2, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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