Welcome to the 36 Grays Lane guestbook.

Please feel free to express your feelings below, but try to keep it polite!

It seems that the guestbook software is throwing a few glitches. We've had a few reports of random "permanent bannings" and posts disappearing. Please accept our apologies if either of these happen to you and, if you want to enter a message but it won't allow you, feel free to email your message and the name / location you'd like put to the email on the home-page

We've found that the vast majority of Ashtead residents are overwhelmingly supportive of SSAFA, Headley Court, the Armed Forces and our campaign. The 90 or so objectors, and their attitudes, do not represent most Ashtead residents from everything we've seen. Please, in thanks to all those people, bear that in mind when posting!

Thank you to everyone who's helped achieve this wonderful result. We've known from the outset that the concerns raised were misplaced. SSAFA and the families concerned will now have the chance to prove that. We know they'll be more than equal to the task.

Oh, and thanks for all the fish

36 Grays Lane - guestbook

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