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We've found that the vast majority of Ashtead residents are overwhelmingly supportive of SSAFA, Headley Court, the Armed Forces and our campaign. The 90 or so objectors, and their attitudes, do not represent most Ashtead residents from everything we've seen. Please, in thanks to all those people, bear that in mind when posting!

Thank you to everyone who's helped achieve this wonderful result. We've known from the outset that the concerns raised were misplaced. SSAFA and the families concerned will now have the chance to prove that. We know they'll be more than equal to the task.

Oh, and thanks for all the fish

36 Grays Lane - guestbook

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Submitted by Comments:
Name: Jock Love
From: exairborneforces.co.uk
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
I'm glad to see that common sense has prevailed in the end.

I was fortunate enough to visit Headly Court in February this year with fellow members of the F.O.C. 2006 (a website for former and currently serving members of the British Airborne Forces),including "Trish" our duty "Physiatric nurse".

We saw what a fantastic job that "Tony" and all the other members of staff there do for the boys and girls who "visit" due to injuries they have sustained whilst in the service of their country.
Added: August 19, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: alan
From: uk
I have been reading the multitude of wonderful and emotive posts on this site, all of which have restored my faith in humanity. They have also dealt an evil minority of clutching, soul-less non-persons a crushing blow from which I hope, probably vainly, that they will learn a lesson.

Capt & Mrs Norton, along with the long column of other brave servicemen and their families who are bearing the cost of battle, deserve our absolute support and gratitude. To even begin to belittle and/or reject them is breaking a sacred trust and is tantamount to treasonable behaviour.

However, I have a final question. Why should noble institutions such as SSAFA have to provide facilities like 36 Grays Lane. Our fighting men and women are carrying out the orders of HM Government, should not HM Government therefore be providing the necessary succour and support that these selfless people deserve.

Perhaps others as well as the Grays Lane objectors should be hanging their heads in shame!!
Added: August 14, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: whwalker
From: edinburgh
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
i have never had any military connections at all, but myeldest has joined the TA and my youngest is in the Air Cadets and wants to join the RAF. I got the link to your campaign through an ex-RAF pal and I was shocked. I know this is going to make me sound really niaive but I just took it for granted that injured personnel would aotomatically receive the very best treatment that the government could provide....if for no other reason that they kept their word after taking the queen's shilling.....they put their lives on the line
There should be no question of people needing to shame them into being required to provide for these injured service personnel...the government should fully fund a similar centre near to every military garrison.
Military personnel are drawn from the entire UK...not just Ashstead.....families of those who kept their word, who honoured their contract with the government deserve to have their own (and their families)future welfare honoured and secured by politicians changing the habits of a lifetime and giving up expediency in exchange for principle.....did i just write that....principled politicians....now i really do sound niaive!!!!
Added: August 14, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Memorial Custodian
From: Northern Ireland
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
to all those people who backed the campaign .a big thankyou.For those who did not or stood on the side lines .I suggest you go to the Palace Barracks Memorial Garden website and see the rolls of Honour for over 2700 servicemen
and women who did not come home.
Memorial Custodian
Added: August 13, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: CT Dave Craven
From: RAF Cottesmore
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
It is great news to hear that 36 Grays Lane is secure. Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity to add my name to the petition but I am glad that so many saw the value of such a facility. However, there are still people around who care more about Real Estate & profit rather than providing care for those of our forces who pay a heavy price for their country. I am at RAF Cottesmore where we have recently lost a member of 504 Sqn in Iraq, along with injuries to two colleagues, one who lost part of an arm. Unfortunately, as we see the attacks by insurgents in both Iraq and Afghanistan on the ascendancy, we will need to continue to provide the care and support for our troops as well as for their families. Long may 36 Grays Lane continue.
Added: August 10, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Lee Hotston
From: Basingstoke
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
Added: August 8, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Mrs Julie Smith
From: Elloughton, East Yorkshire
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
I have absolutely no connection to the armed forces whatsoever, but can see a very great hunmanitarian need for the families of armed forces personnel to be near their loved ones at a time of need - indeed most of us take this for granted as our illnesses and injuries are catered for locally. I find this to be one more example of the selfishness of society today - how can anyone object to such a facility - are we so heartless that the needs of a few - whom we pay such pitifully low wages to - cannot be met for the short timescale they are needed. If we paid them a king's ransom the families could stay in hotels - but we don't, yet we still expect them to lay down their lives for us. These objectors need to re-examine their values - and I can only hazard a guess that most of them will come up wanting - if only they were fitted with a morality chip.

I have three teenage children - if ever these objectors need defending I wouldn't want my children to be the ones to waste their efforts doing it - they don't deserve it.
Added: August 7, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Pat Bush
From: Catterick
I am so pleased that this has been resolved as a civilian working for the MOD it sickened me to read the outrageously selfish comments of SOME of the residents in Ashtead.
Some years ago I had the privelege of working with Pete Norton a funny, generous, down to earth man committed to his trade. How dare certain individuals suggest that people like him and his family are not deserving of the care and compassion which could be provided at such a place. Shame on them! Buthanks to all the residents who supported the plan good on you!

Added: August 7, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Clare Cooper
From: Catterick
E-mail: nospam@nospam.com
I am the wife of a serving soldier and this has just been brought to my attention and I am shocked and saddened by the objections raised by the residents of Ashtead. My Husband was injured in Bosnia over 10 years ago owing to an RTA, thankfully he recovered relatively quickly and did not need rehabilitation but had it have been necassary then being close by to him would surley only have aided his recovery. What people don't understand is soldiers come from not only all four corners of the UK but the commonwealth also, to enable the soldier and families to see each other if only for a short time provides a much needed morale boost for all.

I am also a serving MOD Civil Servant and have worked with Soldiers who have been badly injured and I for one appreciate the fantastic service that Headley Court provides.

I have one message for those who have protested, what if it was your son or daughter putting their life on the line and they were injured doing their duty? Would you not want to be there for them? But there for the grace of god go I... Please think on x
Added: August 7, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Donald
From: Ashtead
I wrote in favour of the proposals and was pleased to see the item passed by the Council. However I am disappointed that SSAFA has not been more public in disowning the mindless minority who not only intimidated the residents of road in question but also made abusive telephone calls and even threats necessitating Police involvement. Sadly despite our troops being in Iraq to bring democracy when before there was a cruel dictator, it appears "mob rule" exists at home. No-one was prepared to stand up at the Council meeting to explain their objections for fear of reprisals. Come on SSAFA publicly condemn those who made these threats!!

Admin reply: I can't speak for SSAFA, not being connected to them, but I can say that all involved in our campaign have been horrified to hear these allegations.

Throughout the past weeks we've made it very clear that direct contact of ANY sort with those objecting was wrong - they were exercising a democratic right to express their concerns, as we were in expressing support. Intimidation was never part of our aims, as we hope the overall campaign made clear.

Perhaps it's too much to hope that a story could gain this much publicity without someone somewhere taking it on themselves to over-step the mark. But threats like those reported are wrong in any situation.

Added: August 6, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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